Workplace Guidelines

The company believes in the open workspace philosophy, as it helps with the free flow of ideas and promotes collaboration around the great work that we do here. However, it requires each and every one of us to think collectively and watch out for everyone else’s interests.  


Collective thinking would help us shape a conducive and productive work environment for everyone. Here are a few guidelines that can help all of us build a better workplace.  


Workplace Hygiene  We have a dedicated Café/Dining area for enjoying our meals/evening snacks, so eating things at the workplace is not a good idea. It may affect our personal branding as well it can leave a bad impression on our neighboring colleagues.  

Within a closed space, smells can be magnified, so use consideration when carrying your lunch or snacks. Please avoid taking drinks or snacks near your workstations as it may be harmful to the IT equipment you are using.  

Keep distractions and noise to a minimum  Noise is a big distraction and a lot of combined work hours are wasted due to it. As managers, guide and coach your team members to work towards maintaining a healthy noise level i.e., be respectful of people working around you.  

If two or more team members need to discuss something, please make sure that the discussion doesn’t disturb others, or better yet step out for a chat. Not only it will refresh your mind, but the walk itself would be beneficial. Avoid having long conversations at tea stalls.  

Respect people’s need to work  Just because others are sitting nearby doesn’t mean they are available for conversation at all times. Respect one another’s privacy, work, and the need to concentrate.  

Act as if there is a door between you and if they appear to be busy, ask if they have a moment to talk.  

Be Tidy  Keep your belongings confined to your own personal space and tidy up your workspace each day before leaving work.  

If you share a desk, be sure to clear away any personal items like coffee cups, used papers, etc.  

Wear shoes that are acceptable to your colleagues sitting near you. Open sandals/chappals are considered highly unprofessional, please avoid roaming around in the office in open sandals or displaying them at your workstations.   

Respect others’ workspace  Just because someone’s workspace is within reach of your desk doesn’t make it a common domain.  

Treat each person’s space as if it was a private office.  

Do not use just everything you find on their desk or in their area. Ask first or go to the supply closet if you need a pen, notepad, etc.   

Office Discipline Employees must treat fellow staff members respectfully and avoid unacceptable/abusive language on office premises. Creating an unsafe environment for staff which affects employee performance adversely is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, excessive noise or damaging company property, maintaining the cleanliness of the office and /or their desk, etc.                       

Regularity & Punctuality Employees are required to attend work regularly and arrive on time because failure to do so detrimentally affects team morale and productivity. To ensure adequate staffing, positive team morale, and meeting expected productivity standards, employees will be held accountable for not adhering to their workplace schedule.