Attendance Policy


The aim of the policy is to establish a framework of acceptable working hours and attendance that should be followed by all Clustox Employees


These policies govern all issues and parameters pertaining to attendance in the company


The following working hours will be applicable in the company.




Every person's contribution is needed on a daily basis, so it is important that everyone maintains regular and punctual attendance. Therefore, absenteeism and tardiness must be kept to a minimum. If an employee is unable to report for work, he or she should notify his or her manager prior to the start of the workday. Unreported and excessive absences or chronic tardiness may result in disciplinary action, up to and including immediate termination. 


 If an employee is absent for three days without notifying his/her manager, it is assumed that the employee has abandoned his or her position with Company and is considered to have voluntarily resigned. 

 HR has the final authority to investigate and decide on attendance based on the input of the Line Manager.  There is a direct correlation between your attendance and your payroll.



The average working hours of all employees are 08 hours a day, 40 hours per week – a week is 05 (five) working days. 







The purpose of this policy is to establish reasonable and necessary controls to ensure adequate attendance and to meet business needs. This policy demonstrates the Company's intention to create a work-life balance for its employees. 




The following working hours are being followed:  




Monday to Friday 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM  

                              10:00 AM to 7:00 PM

                              11:00 AM to 8:00 PM   

Lunch break 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM 

Lunch break – Friday 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM 





      All employees are required to work 08 hours/day, 40 hours/week. 

       A grace period of 15 minutes is allowed before it is considered late, but a total of 08 working hours for the day needs to be completed. 




Time Clocks and Failure to Clock in/out: 


 Employees working are required to follow established guidelines for recording their actual hours worked. A missed clock in/out is a violation which includes: 

      Failure to clock in/out on their designated time clock at the beginning and/or end of their assigned shift.

      Failure to accurately and timely report time worked.  

      Clocking in/out early (or late) of an assigned shift without prior approval.        Continuous failure to clock in and clock out will result in employees being marked absent on the days when the clock in and out was missing.

      Three consecutive instances will result in disciplinary action against absences. 




An employee is deemed absent when he/she is unavailable for work as assigned/scheduled and such time off was not scheduled/approved in advance as required by the department notification procedure.  

a) In the event of absence or tardiness from an assigned work schedule, the employee is required to report within one hour of the scheduled start time. In the event the employee cannot reach a Line Manager or Manager, the absence should be reported to the Human Resource Department.  

b)An employee’s absence will be considered excused if the employee provides proper and timely notification deemed satisfactory to the Line Manager or Manager. Timely notification means calling in on the day of absence or providing advance notice for absences that can be anticipated.  

c) An employee’s absence will be deemed unexcused in case of 

• Failure to give proper notice of absence(s) prior to the beginning of the shift.  

• Frequent lateness or early departures.  

d) Habitual absenteeism is defined as two or more instances of unexcused absence in a calendar month. Such habitual absenteeism is subject to corrective discipline.  





a) Employees are considered to be tardy if they fail to report to their designated workplace at the scheduled time including return from break. All employees are expected to strictly adhere to the laid-down timings of work and breaks. Any violations are liable to be fined as per company policy.  

b) Employee who expects to be late by 15 minutes or more is required to notify his supervisor and HR.





Employees are expected to notify their line managers if they will be late for work, will not be at work, or are requesting planned time away from work. Employees must request in advance from their Line Manager if they wish to arrive early or leave early from an assigned shift and email to the HR department.


At the time of notification/call, the employee must notify their Line Manager when an absence is due to a documented/approved leave of absence in order to ensure appropriate tracking of leave utilization and absenteeism. NO leaves will be marked through emails. Employees need to login into their portal to mark their leave.  


 Any employee who fails to call in and report to work as scheduled for three consecutively scheduled workdays will be viewed as having abandoned their position and the employment termination process will be initiated. The line should consult with the Human Resources Department if this situation occurs. 


 Incidents of not following the notification procedures, including No-Call/No-Show, will be addressed in accordance with the Progressive Discipline policy. 




 The HR Department should monitor their employees' attendance on a regular basis and address unsatisfactory attendance in a timely and consistent manner. In the event that the HR Department notices a pattern of unscheduled time off usage, they should discuss this concern with the employee.  


When an employee has been previously counseled under the progressive discipline guidelines, the totality of the circumstances will be assessed when determining further action. For situations involving suspension or termination of employment, the Line Manager should consult with Human Resources prior to implementing disciplinary action.  


Timely and regular attendance is a performance expectation of all employees. Consequently, those employees who have exhibited unsatisfactory attendance which resulted in disciplinary action (written or final) during the course of the year may have the behavior documented in their annual evaluation. 





All employees are entitled to the paid public holidays gazette by the Federal Government of Pakistan or holidays in lieu of working on those days.  


This policy is intended as a guideline to assist in the consistent application of company policies and programs for employees. The policy does not create a contract implied or expressed, with any employee who is employed at will. The company reserves the right to modify this policy in whole or in part, at any time, at the discretion of the Management. 


       You can apply for missed attendance through the resourceinn portal.

       Human Resources will verify and approve the employee's request.

       Every employee must maintain their attendance records.

       There is a direct correlation between your attendance and your payroll.



*Company reserves the right to change the policy as and when deemed necessary.