Continuous Education Policy


To assist employees pursuing higher education in relevant fields, the organization provides support and resources tailored to their educational needs


This policy is applicable to all permanent employees of the company, ensuring that all eligible individuals can benefit from its provisions.


Clustox is a strongly employee-centric company that values and encourages the educational advancement of its employees, acknowledging their desire to expand their knowledge and skills for both personal and professional development.

*Company reserves the right to change the policy as and when deemed necessary.


  • The maximum allowable working hours for the employee can be relaxed up to a limit of 20 hours, providing them with increased flexibility in their work schedule.

  • If the employee chooses the weekend program, the maximum number of working hours will be 30 hours

  • The salary will be recalibrated or modified in accordance with the corresponding working hours, ensuring a fair and proportional adjustment to reflect the changes in workload.

  • Employee benefits will be adjusted or altered by 50% in accordance with the corresponding working hours.

  • The extension of benefits will be assessed on a case-by-case basis, subject to approval from the CEO or relevant committee.

  • The relaxation of education benefits will be revoked in the event of performance dissatisfaction expressed by the supervisor or client.


  • Services: A minimum service period of six months is required from the date of joining in order to meet the eligibility criteria.

  • Performance: In order to meet the requirement, it is essential to have consistently maintained satisfactory performance levels with no instances of below expectations during previous years of employment at Clustox.



  • To proceed with the task at hand, it is necessary to obtain written approval from either the internal supervisor or the external client.

  • To move forward with the request, it is essential to obtain written approval from either the CEO or the committee.

  • To be eligible, you must be currently enrolled in a recognized and reputable university's higher education degree program that is relevant to the field or position in question.


  • Discuss higher education with your line manager to explore opportunities for professional development and support.

  • HR verifies eligibility.

  • To inform the HR department, it is advisable to send a notification email containing relevant details and information regarding the matter at hand.

  • HR will conduct the verification of employee performance to ensure accuracy and fairness in assessing individual achievements and contributions.

  • After the discussion with the supervisor, HR will proceed with necessary actions in accordance with the agreed-upon course of action and any applicable policies or procedures.

  • HR will require managerial approval before taking any further actions or implementing decisions, ensuring compliance with established protocols and obtaining the necessary authorization from higher-level management.

  • HR is required to seek approval from the CEO or relevant committee before taking any further actions or implementing decisions, ensuring that high-level authority is involved in the process and that decisions are aligned with the overall goals and direction of the organization.

    Continuous Education Policy